
Iomallach airson Liftmaster
  • Iomallach airson LiftmasterIomallach airson Liftmaster
  • Iomallach airson LiftmasterIomallach airson Liftmaster
  • Iomallach airson LiftmasterIomallach airson Liftmaster
  • Iomallach airson LiftmasterIomallach airson Liftmaster
  • Iomallach airson LiftmasterIomallach airson Liftmaster
  • Iomallach airson LiftmasterIomallach airson Liftmaster

Iomallach airson Liftmaster

Cuir Fios

Tuairisgeul toraidh

Liosta co-chòrdail:
Putan ionnsachaidh PURPLE
398LM, 378LM, 377LM, 376LM, 374LM, 373LM, 372LM ,, 371LM, 370LM, 365LM, 355LM, 377LMC,
374LMC, 373LMC, 372LMC, 371LMC, 373W, 373P.940D, 950D, 953D, 956D, 940CD, 950CD, 953CD,
956CD, 41A6318.139.18191, 139.18192, 139.53752, 139.53753, 139.53754
1345/1355, 1356, 3220, 3240, 3265, 3270, 3280, 3800, 3500, 3850, 3585, 3595

Putan ionnsachaidh RED no ORANGE:
91LM, 92LM, 94LM, 96LM, 970LM, 971LM, 972LM, 973LM, 973W, 974LM, 950CB, 953CB, 956CB,
139.53680,139.53681,139.53684,00953680000,00953681000,1245R / 1255R, 1265R,
2220, 2245/2255, 2265, 2280,2500, 2575, 2585, 2595

Putan ionnsachaidh YELLOW:
891LM, 893LM, 953EV, 953ESTD, myQ950ESTD, 8065, 8155, 8165, 8355, 8360, 8365-267, 8500, 8550, 8557, 8587

Putan ionnsachaidh GREEN:
81LM, 82LM, 83LM, 84LM, 850CB, 853CB, 856CB, 139.53879,139.53859,1245, 1255,1270, 1280

Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh
* Ceangal gun uèir furasta a phrògramadh
* Dealbhadh stoidhle Visor le criomag
* Beag agus aotrom
* A ’toirt a-steach bataraidhean (CR2032), Stiùireadh agus Troubleshooting
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Roinn-seòrsa co-cheangailte

Cuir Fios

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